Did you know that Leonardo DaVinci invented a pyramid-shaped parachute more that 500 years ago? The design was largely ignored over the centuries--until 2000 when daredevil Adrian Nichols proved that it worked. According to Nichols, even with its heavy medieval materials, the original DaVinci design provided "a smoother ride" than the modern umbrella parachute.
So what does DaVinci's Pyramid Parachute have to do with the Starters Project? Here's the Bad News, the Good News and the Great News.
The Bad News: They said it couldn't be done. Today marks the end of our team's first crowd-funding attempt, and unfortunately, The Starters' Project did not reach its fixed-funding goal.
The Good News: They tried it--and it worked! The whole team and I have learned an incredible amount. In fact, what we didn't know about what we didn't know at the outset of this adventure could fill volumes. Here's just a sample of what we learned--and also the next steps we're taking to act on that valuable learning so we can fly away to the next stage of our adventure.
- The Starters' Project was too complex for a concise crowd-funding message; it also lacked the urgency, emotion, or sensationalism of most successful campaigns. Next steps: We will simplify the message and put me out front as the voice of TBA.
- Most people didn't understand crowd-funding's intersection between investing, giving to a cause, and pre-purchasing a new product. Next: Any future crowd-funding efforts will focus on our non-profit Starter efforts so people receive a charitable deduction.
- I did not realize how many wonderful people I've lost touch with over the years--and that I did not have the infrastructure in place to contact them. Next: I will continue reaching out to friends and clients so we can stay in regular communication, build lasting community, keep updated on news.
- There is so much "white noise" in social media that people are overwhelmed by the volume, and it is hard to be heard. Next: I will build a steady (but not intrusive) social media campaign in which I "sing" this beautiful work so it pierces through surrounding noise for anyone who wants to listen.
- The Balancing Act eBook is being released in a couple weeks.
- I launched The Balancing Act blog. (And what a surprise! I love doing it.)
- Fred and I completed the Career Changers' Guidebook v2. (It's beautiful!)
- I started work on a series of short eBooks that address specific applications of TBA.
- We made our first videos & now know how to create videos for the Guidebooks.
- We generated enough buzz so we decided to charge ahead on the Starters' GB v1.
- We have an invitation to offer the Starters GB at a large entrepreneurial school.
- The GBs will become the platform for CLSI's "Opportunity Knocking" programs.
- Theses GBs will also help us train trainers & coaches + maintain quality-control.
- The Starters' Strengths Report is being considered for a prestigious coaching firm.
- We will be opening our on-line commercial store sometime later this fall.
And the last bit of Good News: Fly Away!! So, as it turns out, we don't have a lot of time to sit around and mope. In fact, the team is already moving into swift action so it won't take 500 years for people to realize that the complex-looking contraption of the Starters Guidebook really can help many people fly away smoothly and make safe landings in whole new lives.
If you want to help us during this next stage of development, you can make a tax-deductible charitable donation to Core Learning Services' exciting Starter programs for ex-offenders or First Peoples, OR you can purchase a Guidebook or coaching services by contacting me directly.
Best wishes, Sharon