'Tis the Season to Switch Off Stress
We are happy to announce the release of an exciting new Balancing Act book by Sharon Seivert. SOS: Switch Off Stress is a uniquely designed "evabook" (electronic-video-audio book) that offers 101 really fast ways to relieve stress (in 6 seconds to 6 minutes). With SOS you can to do SOMETHING right now to stop stress, no matter how little time you have. Read more here about how SOS can help you.

SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICE. SOS will be available at an "early bird" discount rate during the high-stress holiday season. Normally this 258 page equivalent book can be purchased for $8.99. But during the holiday season you can give it to those you love and admire for only $5.99!!
No wrapping, no mailing, no stress. Just follow above SOS link to send as a gift and set delivery date. (You can read SOS on all computers, e-readers, tablets, etc.)