Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Announcing the Free & Fast SOS Stress Quiz!

Find out which one of 6 Types of Stress hits you hardest. 

If you've yet not taken 2-3 minutes to complete the new SOS Quiz and gotten your free report, go here. If you have already completed the SOS quiz and have your report, you can read more about your primary kind of stress below--and you can also access an audio to get some immediate relief. 

Stress Type #1: CORE STRESS. You feel agitated, anxious, off-balance, uncomfortable in own skin; have low self-esteem, confidence, resilience; feel generally unhappy; take things too personally; feel unclear about life purpose, values, what’s important; don’t breathe deeply or sleep well; are too busy to relax or take breaks; run from one thing to the next; feel “empty” inside, not best self; have addictions can’t seem to stop (smoking, drinking, eating, etc.).

Reduce Type 1 Stress now by listening to Core audio on the TCI home page.  

Stress Type #2: VISION STRESS. You are bothered by mental looping, negative thinking, a hyper-active or critical mind; are doubtful and afraid too often; get stuck because over-analyze, over plan, over think; feel uncreative, uninspired, can’t generate good options; have a bad attitude, lack humor; don’t enjoy things or have as much fun these days; feel bored, unchallenged, uninteresting in new information/learning, not as smart as used to be.

Reduce Type 2 Stress now by listening to Vision audio on the TCI home page.  

Stress Type #3: MISSION STRESS. You procrastinate too much; have a hard time figuring out priorities or making choices; feel undisciplined, dissipated, unfocused, unmotivated; feel overwhelmed &/or burned out; lack direction, so are hesitant about moving into action and reluctant to take initiative; feel micro-managed and demoralized; avoid conflict; don’t feel energetic, ambitious, excited, proud of accomplishments.

Reduce Type 3 Stress now by listening to Mission audio on the TCI home page.  

Stress Type #4: INTERACTIONS STRESS: You feel emotionally “off” (either too emotional, emotionally flat, or somehow inappropriate in interactions); have key relationships that are unhealthy, unsupportive, draining, disrespectful or that keep you stuck; feel unappreciated, used, resentful, manipulated or exhausted from over-giving; would rather be isolated than involved now because don’t feel particularly pleasant, empathetic, compassionate or caring.
Reduce Type 4 stress now by listening to Interactions audio on TCI home page.  

Stress Type #5: STRUCTURE STRESS. You have difficulty managing or securing money, space, tools, &/or other physical resources you need; are impractical, unrealistic, unorganized; have trouble following directions and keeping things orderly; can’t be depended upon to complete tasks or meet deadlines; don’t take good care of physical health or possessions; have dysfunctional habits that undermine what you want to create; feel unsafe, insecure.
Reduce Type 5 Stress now by listening to Structure audio on the TCI home page.  

Stress Type #6: SYNERGY STRESS. You're having a run of bad luck; feel less effective and balanced overall; seem to have lost good judgment, discernment, a sense of perspective; don’t experience flow or ease, so things take too much time and effort; don’t feel particularly grateful or happy because others are better off; lack a sense of a connection to a Whole, Context, or the infrastructures that support your work, life and relationships.
Reduce Type 6 Stress now by listening to Synergy audio on TCI home page.  

And if want all 101 SOS stress reduction techniques to quickly reduce any kind of stress you're feeling, get SOS: Switch Off Stress or read more about it here. You can read this book on your Mac, iPad, PC, smart phone or tablet with this FREE Kindle Reader App:

Have a great day, 
Sharon Seivert