Saturday, May 31, 2014

Enjoy an Experience of the Elements of Success!

I have recently revised the audio experiences for the Elements of Success, making them easier to access via YouTube.  These audio/videos will enhance your experience of both The Balancing Act and SOS: Switch Off Stress

Here they are for your listening pleasure:

The Core: 

Go here if you're feeling anxious, lost, or bad about yourself so you can become more calm, steady and gain access to your brilliant intuition so you know how to improve your situation. 


Go here if you're feeling uninspired, pessimistic, or just crabby--and would like to shift to more hope and creativity.


Go here if you're feeling stuck, lost and unmotivated,  and want to increase your energy and spark some action.


Go here if you're feeling "off" emotionally, and want to reconnect to at the heart between yourself and those you love. 


Go here if you feel stressed by money or organizational matters and would like to to feel more solid, steady, connected to the earth.


Go here if you feel isolated, and want to feel reconnected, a part of something larger than yourself.

Announcing: SOS is now available in Print!

I am absolutely delighted to announce that SOS is now available in BOTH print and evaBook forms.  

It took me this past month to respond to the many requests for a print version of SOS. My major concern was to somehow maintain the evaBook's "6 second to 6 minute" timeframe for these 101 activities. 

I'm happy to report that I DID IT! (I created a companion SOS webpage that contains links to all SOS instructions/resources.) 

Get immediate relief from toxic stress! 

The choice is yours: print book + web resource ($11.69) or the evaBook ($8.99) Or, read more about SOS here!

The next blog will contain direct links for the updated versions of the Balancing Act "SOS" elemental audios--all of which are now available on YouTube! These will provide you with immediate relief from distress by directly experiencing the healing qualities of each one of the Elements of Success. 

Have a great day! - Sharon