Join Sharon at the NEWLI on June 11th:
Where she will speak about "Blasting Through Stress (for you AND Those You Lead)"
Excessive stress can turn a talented leader into a dysfunctional one in very short order. Distress is subtle, insidious, corrosive, and often denied (“What me–stressed!?”). It moves from stimuli to brain to body to others around you like a lightning bolt that strikes before you know what hit you.
Stress robs leaders of their talent. It destroys great work, slows progress, causes illness, and strains relationships. That’s why talented leaders need to stop distress as quickly as possible, before it causes real harm. This hands-on, fun session is based on Sharon Seivert’s latest book, SOS: Switch Off Stress (101 Really Fast Ways).
In this session, you will take a short Elemental Stress Quiz that points out where stress affects you most severely. Then you will learn several highly effective techniques that will take only 6 seconds to 6 minutes to experience relief in your most vulnerable area of stress.
In this session, you will take a short Elemental Stress Quiz that points out where stress affects you most severely. Then you will learn several highly effective techniques that will take only 6 seconds to 6 minutes to experience relief in your most vulnerable area of stress.
This practical seminar is designed to help both leaders and the people they lead (especially since stress so often flows downhill in organizations!)
- Learn about 6 distinctly different kinds of “elemental” stress.
- Discover your weakest stress area (where you’re most likely to contribute to the stress around you).
- Learn several very fast ways to Switch Off Stress (in 6” – 6‘).
- Discover your strongest Element of Success to leverage.