Inner Game + Outer Game = Breakthrough!

People ask questions about what The Coreporation does – and more specifically, how it might be able to
help them.
Here are some answers: The Coreporation creates success from
your “Core”. That is, when both your inner game
and outer game are aligned, you feel great!
Otherwise, you feel stuck, stressed, or unhappy.
The Coreporation uses a powerful step-by-step process (
The Balancing Act) that first strengthens your inner Core, then aligns and balances all aspects of your outer life (as represented by the points on the outer circle in this image). But this beneficial process doesn't stop there: feedback from the "outer game" will show you what kind of improvements are needed for your Core to develop further. This pragmatic process goes back and forth, as shown by the interactive arrows.

The result is ongoing evolution, i.e., breakthrough!
The Balancing Act process ensures the integrity of your life, work and relationships by making sure that all the key parts of you--inside and out--are integrated so your life runs just like clockwork.
And, just like a reliable clock, it is the inner mechanism that determines just how well the externals work.
Individuals seek
us out because they want help to get unstuck and reenergized, navigate significant
life changes (transforming challenges into opportunities), manage career change
(voluntary or involuntary), repair and strengthen relationship (conflict
resolution), or start their own businesses so they can finally work for a
really great boss (themselves!)
Organizations request
TCI’s help to remedy costly problems or to proactively build capabilities. Examples include coaching executives and training leaders the company wants to cultivate, building successful teams
(project, management, cross-functional), improving results from sales staff, strategic planning, and organizational change
efforts (e.g., proactively managing change initiatives or recovering from
mergers and acquisitions).
Coaches and Consultants
come to us to be trained in
Balancing Act methodology so they can use our proprietary methodology, assessments, guidebooks and online courses in their work. In addition,
teachers are trained by TCI’s non-profit affiliate Core Learning
Services, Inc. to deliver our special programs for youth (developing life and
work skills, improving test-taking capabilities, and preparing for careers).
Next blog: More about how we help individuals....