Thursday, January 9, 2014

SOS to Stop Stress-Eating 

Several friends, colleagues, and clients requested that I address the difficult issue of "stress eating" now, especially since so many people have made New Year's resolutions to eat more healthy foods and/or lose weight in 2014. The next few TBA Community blog posts will provide several techniques from SOS: Switch Off Stress that can help you with this common and resistant problem. Here's to your health! 

The SOS book is filled with many practical, easy-to-use stress management techniques that can slow down or eliminate stress eating. If you have this new evaBook, simply type in keywords such as "eating" - "food" - "weight" to find many options.  Remember that each SOS tool takes only 6 seconds to 6 minutes, so any of these activities could provide immediate relief from the kind of stress that might otherwise lead to a sugary treat or a second helping you really didn't need.

First on the docket is SOS #4: Emergency Breath, which is taken from the Core Section. This exercise is a form of "power" breathing that will jolt you out of crises or drama and stop you from feeling stuck, depressed or bored. 

This makes the Emergency Breath a very fast and effective alternative to mindlessly chowing down on fatty, sugary or salty snacks. This way, rather than gaining weight or continuing with low-nutrition habits, you will get some terrific health benefits instead.

How to do SOS #4

(10-20 seconds)

This three-step power-breathing process is highly effective--and really fast! It will take you less than 20 SECONDS from start to finish. (Caution: Do this technique only a) in a place where you will not disturb others, and b) while sitting or lying down, as it could make you light-headed.) 

Let's say that you're under pressure to complete a report by end of day, and you have a sudden, almost-irrepressible urge to have a chocolate chip cookie to boost your energy.

Step 1 (optional): The Pretzel. Put your arms straight out in front of you. Cross your wrists with palms facing. Then interlace your fingers and tuck hands back under your wrists, toward body. Rest interlaced hands gently on your chest. This “pretzel” pose may seem odd, but it engages your whole brain to provide extra benefits while you're doing the power breathing. Take a few slow breaths to settle down and center before moving on.

Step 2: Power Breathing. For 10 seconds take fast, deep and full belly-breaths from your mouth (in and out) so the whole trunk of your body moves like a bellows. Power breathing is rather noisy, as it is done from your mouth. (Slow down your breathing if at any point you feel light-headed.)

Step 3: Refocus. While doing the emergency breathing, take your mind off the stressor and focus it instead on something positive—for example, imagining a good outcome to this stressful situation (like getting the report done easily and on time) OR thinking about going home to someone you love when it's done OR bringing healthy, delicious foods to mind that will boost and sustain your energy so you can complete that report in record time.

Optional: Tracking results. If you want to see how much this tool helps, just rate the stress you’re feeling from 1-10 both before and after doing this technique. 

And of course, the real measure of success is your answer to this question: 

Did the emergency breath stop you from stress eating--or not?

What SOS #4 Can Do for You

This technique instantly interrupts the stress cycle. It removes any mental boulders that have blocked your way to laying new neurological tracks that will move you away from the habits of stress eating and toward keeping your New Year's resolution.

After doing the Emergency Breath, you will likely feel quite invigorated. I encourage you to do SOS #4 whenever the urge for stress-eating hits you. (Remember: Please step aside so you can do this in private; it is noisy and you don't want to bother anyone else.) The emergency breath is a phenomenal stress-buster—super-fast, and very easy to do many times a day, no matter how busy your life is.

The mental benefits and physical effects of repeating this technique regularly are numerous. They include: 

  • Increased pulmonary capacity (directly tied to longevity).
  • Cardiovascular system improvement.
  • Detoxification (fast and full release of carbon dioxide from body). 
  • Improved lymphatic and immune system functioning. 
And as you've probably already noted, these same positive effects listed above also contribute to natural, healthy sustainable weight loss.  So...think of SOS #4 as helping you to jump start a positive upward spiral, by managing just one little stress-eating urge at a time.


PS. Go here if you want to purchase SOS: Switch Off Stress (only $8.99 for this 258-page-equivalent "evaBook")--or click here if you want to read more about what SOS can do for you.

And here's a Free Kindle App so you can read SOS on any PC, MAC, tablet, or smart phone.

1 comment:

  1. Great! You are on! Wonderful. The Dutch version will follow soon! love from the Netherlands
